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How to Sign an Assessment as the PI
How to Sign an Assessment as the PI
Sarah Ruiz avatar
Written by Sarah Ruiz
Updated over a week ago

Prior to the PI sign off, the assessment (also known as Form) needs to be completed and reviewed by the Data Manager and CRA. All queries need to be resolved as well.

When an assessment is ready to be signed, the status of the assessment updates to “Pending PI Signature” and the PI will receive an email that an assessment is pending PI signature with link to the system.

To sign a single form, open the form pending PI signature, review the data, and click the Submit PI Signature button in Dark Blue in the subject header space. Confirm the data is accurate and has been reviewed, apply your signature, and submit!

Bulk Signatures

Bulk Signatures allows the PI to apply one signature to multiple completed subject forms!

User's with the PI role will see an "Action Required" filter option on the subject list of a trial, as you can see below.

The "Action Required" filter allows the PI to filter for subjects that have forms ready for the PI to sign.

The PI can click the signature icon in the "Action Required" column to open a view of all the forms available for signature.

This Forms tab view is only available at the subject level.

From the Forms tab view, the PI can select all the forms they wish to sign and click Submit PI Signature at the bottom of the page.

When the "Submit PI Signature" option is selected, the PI then only needs to certify the forms selected are the intended forms to sign and that the data has been reviewed, draw a signature, and submit!

Once the signature has been submitted, the PI will be taken back to the Forms view for the subject, where there will either be the remaining forms to sign, or no forms if all were signed in bulk. The user will see the "Signature Submitted" confirmation message on the bottom left.

The PI can select Clear filters to clear the "Pending Signature" status filter and view all forms.

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