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How to Complete a Visit

How to start and complete an assessment within a visit

Sarah Ruiz avatar
Written by Sarah Ruiz
Updated over a week ago

Understanding the Structure and Flow

Before we get started on the steps to complete a it's important to understand the structure and intended workflow of the system.

A typical subject page for a study contains folders that expand and reveal the forms for each visit, as previewed in the screening visit below.

Completing a Form

A form not yet started appears grey with a plus sign as seen in the screenshot above. To start adding data to the form, click on it and select the data type (eSource or eCRF) and the data fields will appear in a modal for you to enter and submit.

Below are screenshots and a video of completing a Concomitant Medication form. More details on Ad Hoc, or logged, forms in the next section!

Note: This video does not have sound.

Ad Hoc Assessments (Forms)

Ad hoc assessments refer to repeatable assessments or ongoing logs. Medical History, Concomitant Medications, and Adverse events are key examples of an ad hoc form. Each event, condition, or medication is recorded and saved separately.

Let’s use Concomitant Medications as an example:

The first log entry will already be present in the folder. Submit this entry first, and then add additional rows as needed. To start collecting the data, click the name of the assessment or the + sign to the right of the folder name.

When adding new forms, be sure to enter the term name of the event, condition, or medication so it's easy to reference in the folder. For example in the video above, "ibuprofen" would be the term name entered.

You can always edit the name of the form after submission by clicking into the form and clicking the form name at the top of the page. See the video below to see how updating a form name works.

Note: The video has no sound.

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